A11345-1.JPG A11345-2.JPG

Germany. SS 14. Standarte Gotha Event Badge, 1933

Germany.  Infantry Assault Badge (Silver) by Walter & Henlein R349-2.JPG

Germany. Infantry Assault Badge (Silver) by Walter & Henlein

R115-1.JPG R115-2.JPG

Germany. Wehrmacht Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross by S & L (Post War)

A12359-1.JPG A12359-2.JPG

Germany. Heer (Army) Flak Badge by Juncker

A12379-11.JPG A12379-12.JPG

Germany. Wehrmacht General Assault - 25 Badge by "RK"

A12383-1.JPG A12383-6.JPG

Germany. Wehrmacht Panzer Assault - 25 Badge by JFS

A11258-1.jpg A11258-2.jpg

Germany. NSDAP. Order Of The German Eagle, 3ed Class, Spanish Made

A11247-1.jpg A11247-2.jpg

Germany. Cased Order of the German Eagle Order, 5th Class by Wernstein

R043-1.JPG R043-2.JPG

Germany. SA Deployment Badge

R148-1.JPG R148-2.JPG

Germany. SA Sports Badge for War Disabled

A11284-1.JPG A11284-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP Supporter Pin

R044-1.JPG R044-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP 15-yr. Long Service Medal

Germany.  "D.V.G. WESTMARK" LAPEL PIN by Redo A16284-2.JPG

Germany. "D.V.G. WESTMARK" LAPEL PIN by Redo

Germany.  NSDAP Election Pin, March 29, 1936 R318-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP Election Pin, March 29, 1936

R315-1.JPG R315-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP Memebership Pin by Doppler

R317-1.JPG R317-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP Membership Pin by Foerster & Barth

Germany.  NSDAP Membership Pin by Dittrich R314-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP Membership Pin by Dittrich

A11231-1.jpg A11231-2.jpg

Germany. NSDAP Cap Eagle, 1st Pattern by Hoffstatter

R337-1.JPG R337-2.JPG

Germany. SS / NSDAP Cap Eagle, 1st Pattern

Germany.  SA or Political Visor Eagle R334-2.JPG

Germany. SA or Political Visor Eagle

Germany.  SA or Political Visor Eagle R336-2.JPG

Germany. SA or Political Visor Eagle

Germany.  SA or Political Visor Eagle R335-2.JPG

Germany. SA or Political Visor Eagle

Germany.  NSDAP Visor Eagle by Sieper R324-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP Visor Eagle by Sieper

Germany.  1939 Iron Cross, 2nd Class w/envelop A12398-2.JPG

Germany. 1939 Iron Cross, 2nd Class w/envelop

Germany.  1939 Iron Cross, 1st Class by Meybauer R285-2.JPG

Germany. 1939 Iron Cross, 1st Class by Meybauer

Germany.  !939 Iron Cross, 1st Class A12397-2.JPG

Germany. !939 Iron Cross, 1st Class

Germany.  1939 Iron Cross, 1st Class A12406-2.JPG

Germany. 1939 Iron Cross, 1st Class

A18060-1.JPG A18060-2.JPG

Germany. 1957 Iron Cross, 1st Class

R045-1.JPG R045-2.JPG

Germany. Heer (Army) 12-yr Service Medal

A18062-1.JPG A18062-2.JPG


A18067-1.JPG A18069-2.JPG

Germany. Eastern People's Decoration, 2nd Class w/Swords (Bronze)

A18070-1.JPG A18070-2.JPG

Germany. Eastern People's Decoration, 2nd Class w/Swords (Silver)

R068-1.JPG R068-2.JPG

Germany. Wehrmacht. Close Combat Clasp (Gold) by Linden

Sale Price:$1,100.00 Original Price:$1,450.00
R127-11.JPG R127-21.JPG

Germany. Wehrmacht Close Combat Clasp (Gold) by A.G.M.u.K.

R121-1.JPG R121-2.JPG

Germany . Heer (Army) KRIM Shield

R122-1.JPG R122-2.JPG

Germany. KRIM Shield

M152-1.jpg M152-2.jpg

Germany. Cased War Merit Cross, 1st Class

Sale Price:$210.00 Original Price:$260.00
R010-1.jpg R010-2.jpg

Germany. Cased War Merit Cross, 1st Class by Orth

A12006-1.JPG A12006-2.JPG

Germany. War Merit Cross, 1st Class w/o Swords by Glaser

R052-1.JPG R052-2.JPG

War Merit Cross w/Swords by Deumer

A12367-1.JPG A12367-2.JPG

Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords, 1st Class Case

Germany.  Kriegsmarine (Navy) Blockade Runner Badge Case A14046-1.JPG

Germany. Kriegsmarine (Navy) Blockade Runner Badge Case

R126-1.JPG R126-2.JPG

Germany. Wehrmacht. Condor Wound Badge (Black)

Sale Price:$150.00 Original Price:$170.00
Germany.  Wound Badge (Silver) A12396-2.JPG

Germany. Wound Badge (Silver)

Germany.  Wehrmacht Wound Badge (Black) A12400-2.JPG

Germany. Wehrmacht Wound Badge (Black)

Germany.  Wound Badge (Black) A12392-2.JPG

Germany. Wound Badge (Black)


Germany. WW1 Wound Badge (Black)

R297-1.JPG R297-2.JPG

Germany. Driver's Proficiency Badge (Bronze)

A12366-1.JPG A12366-2.JPG

Germany. Driver's Proficiency Badge (Gold Grade)

A11281-1.JPG A11281-2.JPG

Germany. Driver's Proficiency Badge (Gold Grade)

A12212-1.JPG A12212-2.JPG

Germany. Army General's Visor Eagle

A12389-1.JPG A12389-2.JPG

Germany. Iron Cross, 2nd Class Envelop

R056-1.JPG R056-2.JPG

Germany. Iron Cross First Class Envelop

A12373-1.JPG A12373-2.JPG

Germany. General Assault Badge Envelop by Deumer

R055-1.JPG R055-2.JPG

Germany. Iron Cross 2nd Class Envelope

R054-1.JPG R054-2.JPG

Germany. West Wall Medal Envelope

R061-1.JPG R061-2.JPG

Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords Ribbon Bar

R059-1.JPG R059-2.JPG

Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords + West Wall Buttonaire

R058-1.JPG R058-2.JPG

Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords + West Wall Buttonaire

R060-1.JPG R060-2.JPG

Germany. War Merit Cross Bottonaire

A11321-1.JPG A11321-2.JPG

Germany. Commemorative Medal, 1 October 1938

A12393-9.JPG A12393-2.JPG

Germany. Commemorative of 1 October 1938 w/Praque Castle Bar

A11324-1.JPG A11324-2.JPG

Germany. Commemorative Medal, 1 October 1938

A16297-1.JPG A16297-2.JPG

Germany. West Wall Medal

MG004-1.JPG MG004-2.JPG

Germany. DSVB State Shooting League Enamel 1941 "KLEINKALIBER" Badge (Silver)

MG005-1.JPG MG005-2.JPG

Germany. DSVB State Shooting League Enamel 1941 "KLEINKALIBER" Badge (Gold)

A12244-1.jpg A12244-2.jpg

Germany. Stalingrad Cross Cyphers

Germany.  Luftwaffe Transport and Glider Clasp (Silver) A13126-1.jpg

Germany. Luftwaffe Transport and Glider Clasp (Silver)

A13120-1.jpg A13120-2.jpg

Germany. Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Clasp (Bronze) by Osang

A13253-1.JPG A13253-2.JPG

Germany. Luftwaffe Engineer / Gunner Badge by Juncker

Germany.  Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge by Arno Walpach R305-21.JPG

Germany. Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge by Arno Walpach

Germany.  First Flight Week, Pfingsten (1933) by Wurster A13078-1.jpg

Germany. First Flight Week, Pfingsten (1933) by Wurster

a13160-1.jpg A13160-2.jpg

Germany. Opening of the Nurnberger Airport, August 1933

R135-1.JPG R135-2.JPG

Germany. DLV Air Sports Association Cap Insignia

A13005-1.jpg A13005-2.jpg

Germany. Luftsport Pin

R128-1.JPG R128-2.JPG

Germany. Luftwaffe. NARVIK Shield

A13149-1.jpg A13149-2.jpg

Germany. NSFK Flight Badge by G. Brehmer

Germany.  Luftwaffe Civilian Technician's Breast / Cap Eagle A13257-2.JPG

Germany. Luftwaffe Civilian Technician's Breast / Cap Eagle

Germany. RLB Luftschutz Emergency Badge R152-2.JPG

Germany. RLB Luftschutz Emergency Badge

A16108-1.jpg A16108-2.jpg

Germany. RLB Luftschutz Emergency Badge

A17008-1.jpg A17008-2.jpg

Germany. WW1 Naval Wound Badge in Black

A14017-1.jpg A14017-2.jpg

Germany. Kriegsmarine. E-Boat Badge, 1st Model by Bacqueville

R042-1.JPG R042-2.JPG

Germany. E-Boat, 1st Model by Steinhauer & Luck

R139-1.JPG R139-2.JPG

Germany. Kriegsmarine E-Boat, 1st Model by Zimmermann

R138-1.JPG R138-2.JPG

Germany. Kriegsmarine Auxiliary Cruiser Badge by Schwerin


Germany. Kriegsmarine Aux Crusier Badge by Schwerin

R074-1.JPG R074-2.JPG

Germany. Kriegsmarine (Navy) Blockade Runner Badge

Germany.  Kriegsmarine Minesweeper Badge A14058-2.JPG

Germany. Kriegsmarine Minesweeper Badge

A14036-1.jpg A14036-2.jpg

Germany. 1957 Naval Front Line Clasp

Germany.  Police 25 year Long Service Medal R290-21.JPG

Germany. Police 25 year Long Service Medal

Germany.  Police 25 year Long Service Medal R291-21.JPG

Germany. Police 25 year Long Service Medal

R289-11.JPG R289-21.JPG

Germany. Police 18 year Long Service Medal, Second Class

Germany.  Landwacht Auxiliary Police Cap Badge A16266-2.JPG

Germany. Landwacht Auxiliary Police Cap Badge

Germany.  Police Cap Badge, 2nd Pattern A16294-2.JPG

Germany. Police Cap Badge, 2nd Pattern

A12134-1.jpg A12134-2.jpg

Germany. Stahlhelm Membership Badge 1925

A12135-1.jpg A12135-2.jpg

Germany. Stahlhelm Membership Badge 1924

A16198-1.JPG A16198-2.JPG

Germany. 1925 Stahlhelm Membership Badge

M503-1.jpg M503-2.jpg

Germany. Cased 1914 Sports Table Medal by Fassbinder

Sale Price:$95.00 Original Price:$160.00
A17008-1.jpg A17008-2.jpg

Prussia. 1813 Iron Cross 1st Class (Sew On Version)

A17047-4.jpg A17047-1.jpg

Prussia (Germany). 1813 Iron Cross, 2nd Class from the Estate of Karl von Hanstein w/COA

M218-1.JPG M218-2.JPG

Prussia (Germany). 1870 Iron Cross, 1st Class

Sale Price:$800.00 Original Price:$995.00
A17014-1.jpg A17014-2.jpg

Prussia (Germany). 1870 Iron Cross, 1st Class

A17013-1.jpg A17013-2.jpg

Germany. WW1. Cased Iron Cross, 2nd Class

A17071-1.JPG A17071-2.JPG

Germany. WWI German Kyffhauser 1914-1918 Veterans Association Commemorative Medal

A17064-1.JPG A17064-2.JPG

Germany (Prussia). WW1 Merit Cross for War Aid

A17065-1.JPG A17065-2.JPG

Germany (Prussia). WW1 Merit Cross for War Aid

A17077-1.JPG A17077-2.JPG

Germany. WW1 Hindenburg Cross for Combatants

A17050-1.jpg A17050-2.jpg

Germany. WW1 Combatants Cross of Honor w/Swords

A17057-2.JPG A17057-1.JPG

Germany (Prussian). 25 Year Long Service Medal

A17072-1.JPG A17072-2.JPG

Germany (Prussia). Veteran's Association Badge

R049-1.JPG R049-2.JPG

Germany. SS Medal Bar

Sale Price:$425.00 Original Price:$540.00
A17063-1.JPG A17063-2.JPG

Germany. WWI Imperial Veteran BDMA 25 Year Membership Badge

A11298-1.JPG A11298-2.JPG

Germany. NSDAP Party Day (Nuremberg Rally) Badge, 1934

A17063-1.JPG A17063-2.JPG

Germany. WW1 Kyffhauser Land Forces Veterans Cross, 2nd Class by Timm

A16176-1.jpg A16176-2.jpg

Germany. WW1 Kyffhauser Land Forces Veterans Cross, 2nd Class by Timm

A17074-1.JPG A17074-2.JPG

Germany. Hindenburg Cross w/Swords Buttonaire

A17068-1.JPG A17068-2.JPG

Germany. WW1 Legion of Honor Medal

A17058-1.JPG A17058-2.JPG

Germany. WW1 Legion of Honor Medal
