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WW2 Collectors World
Germany. SS 14. Standarte Gotha Event Badge, 1933
Germany. Infantry Assault Badge (Silver) by Walter & Henlein
Germany. Wehrmacht Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross by S & L (Post War)
Germany. Heer (Army) Flak Badge by Juncker
Germany. Wehrmacht General Assault - 25 Badge by "RK"
Germany. Wehrmacht Panzer Assault - 25 Badge by JFS
Germany. NSDAP. Order Of The German Eagle, 3ed Class, Spanish Made
Germany. Cased Order of the German Eagle Order, 5th Class by Wernstein
Germany. SA Deployment Badge
Germany. SA Sports Badge for War Disabled
Germany. NSDAP Supporter Pin
Germany. NSDAP 15-yr. Long Service Medal
Germany. "D.V.G. WESTMARK" LAPEL PIN by Redo
Germany. NSDAP Election Pin, March 29, 1936
Germany. NSDAP Memebership Pin by Doppler
Germany. NSDAP Membership Pin by Foerster & Barth
Germany. NSDAP Membership Pin by Dittrich
Germany. NSDAP Cap Eagle, 1st Pattern by Hoffstatter
Germany. SS / NSDAP Cap Eagle, 1st Pattern
Germany. SA or Political Visor Eagle
Germany. SA or Political Visor Eagle
Germany. SA or Political Visor Eagle
Germany. NSDAP Visor Eagle by Sieper
Germany. 1939 Iron Cross, 2nd Class w/envelop
Germany. 1939 Iron Cross, 1st Class by Meybauer
Germany. !939 Iron Cross, 1st Class
Germany. 1939 Iron Cross, 1st Class
Germany. 1957 Iron Cross, 1st Class
Germany. Heer (Army) 12-yr Service Medal
Germany. Eastern People's Decoration, 2nd Class w/Swords (Bronze)
Germany. Eastern People's Decoration, 2nd Class w/Swords (Silver)
Germany. Wehrmacht. Close Combat Clasp (Gold) by Linden
Sale Price:
Original Price:
Germany. Wehrmacht Close Combat Clasp (Gold) by A.G.M.u.K.
Germany . Heer (Army) KRIM Shield
Germany. KRIM Shield
Germany. Cased War Merit Cross, 1st Class
Sale Price:
Original Price:
Germany. Cased War Merit Cross, 1st Class by Orth
Germany. War Merit Cross, 1st Class w/o Swords by Glaser
War Merit Cross w/Swords by Deumer
Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords, 1st Class Case
Germany. Kriegsmarine (Navy) Blockade Runner Badge Case
Germany. Wehrmacht. Condor Wound Badge (Black)
Sale Price:
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Germany. Wound Badge (Silver)
Germany. Wehrmacht Wound Badge (Black)
Germany. Wound Badge (Black)
Germany. WW1 Wound Badge (Black)
Germany. Driver's Proficiency Badge (Bronze)
Germany. Driver's Proficiency Badge (Gold Grade)
Germany. Driver's Proficiency Badge (Gold Grade)
Germany. Army General's Visor Eagle
Germany. Iron Cross, 2nd Class Envelop
Germany. Iron Cross First Class Envelop
Germany. General Assault Badge Envelop by Deumer
Germany. Iron Cross 2nd Class Envelope
Germany. West Wall Medal Envelope
Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords Ribbon Bar
Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords + West Wall Buttonaire
Germany. War Merit Cross w/Swords + West Wall Buttonaire
Germany. War Merit Cross Bottonaire
Germany. Commemorative Medal, 1 October 1938
Germany. Commemorative of 1 October 1938 w/Praque Castle Bar
Germany. Commemorative Medal, 1 October 1938
Germany. West Wall Medal
Germany. DSVB State Shooting League Enamel 1941 "KLEINKALIBER" Badge (Silver)
Germany. DSVB State Shooting League Enamel 1941 "KLEINKALIBER" Badge (Gold)
Germany. Stalingrad Cross Cyphers
Germany. Luftwaffe Transport and Glider Clasp (Silver)
Germany. Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Clasp (Bronze) by Osang
Germany. Luftwaffe Engineer / Gunner Badge by Juncker
Germany. Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge by Arno Walpach
Germany. First Flight Week, Pfingsten (1933) by Wurster
Germany. Opening of the Nurnberger Airport, August 1933
Germany. DLV Air Sports Association Cap Insignia
Germany. Luftsport Pin
Germany. Luftwaffe. NARVIK Shield
Germany. NSFK Flight Badge by G. Brehmer
Germany. Luftwaffe Civilian Technician's Breast / Cap Eagle
Germany. RLB Luftschutz Emergency Badge
Germany. RLB Luftschutz Emergency Badge
Germany. WW1 Naval Wound Badge in Black
Germany. Kriegsmarine. E-Boat Badge, 1st Model by Bacqueville
Germany. E-Boat, 1st Model by Steinhauer & Luck
Germany. Kriegsmarine E-Boat, 1st Model by Zimmermann
Germany. Kriegsmarine Auxiliary Cruiser Badge by Schwerin
Germany. Kriegsmarine Aux Crusier Badge by Schwerin
Germany. Kriegsmarine (Navy) Blockade Runner Badge
Germany. Kriegsmarine Minesweeper Badge
Germany. 1957 Naval Front Line Clasp
Germany. Police 25 year Long Service Medal
Germany. Police 25 year Long Service Medal
Germany. Police 18 year Long Service Medal, Second Class
Germany. Landwacht Auxiliary Police Cap Badge
Germany. Police Cap Badge, 2nd Pattern
Germany. Stahlhelm Membership Badge 1925
Germany. Stahlhelm Membership Badge 1924
Germany. 1925 Stahlhelm Membership Badge
Germany. Cased 1914 Sports Table Medal by Fassbinder
Sale Price:
Original Price:
Prussia. 1813 Iron Cross 1st Class (Sew On Version)
Prussia (Germany). 1813 Iron Cross, 2nd Class from the Estate of Karl von Hanstein w/COA
Prussia (Germany). 1870 Iron Cross, 1st Class
Sale Price:
Original Price:
Prussia (Germany). 1870 Iron Cross, 1st Class
Germany. WW1. Cased Iron Cross, 2nd Class
Germany. WWI German Kyffhauser 1914-1918 Veterans Association Commemorative Medal
Germany (Prussia). WW1 Merit Cross for War Aid
Germany (Prussia). WW1 Merit Cross for War Aid
Germany. WW1 Hindenburg Cross for Combatants
Germany. WW1 Combatants Cross of Honor w/Swords
Germany (Prussian). 25 Year Long Service Medal
Germany (Prussia). Veteran's Association Badge
Germany. SS Medal Bar
Sale Price:
Original Price:
Germany. WWI Imperial Veteran BDMA 25 Year Membership Badge
Germany. NSDAP Party Day (Nuremberg Rally) Badge, 1934
Germany. WW1 Kyffhauser Land Forces Veterans Cross, 2nd Class by Timm
Germany. WW1 Kyffhauser Land Forces Veterans Cross, 2nd Class by Timm
Germany. Hindenburg Cross w/Swords Buttonaire
Germany. WW1 Legion of Honor Medal
Germany. WW1 Legion of Honor Medal