Germany. M33 SS Dagger by Boker

Germany. M33 SS Dagger by Boker
Typical Boker crossguards with an even patina covering the nickel silver. The grip is near mint with only a tiny hair line crack on the bottom reverse (almost invisible). The blade is bright with cross grain visible in most of the blade, but with drag marks from a tight fitting scabbard. The reverse ricasso is marked with the famous “BOKER” symbol. Right above the Boker logo on the crossguards is stamped “Th” for Gruppe Code for Thuringen. The anodized scabbard is straight and dent free. Nickel silver mounts and a complete hanger. The mounts are aged patina over their entirety with light freckling covering almost half of the anodized scabbard. A complete, solid and desirable SS Boker Dagger will be a big plus to your collection!