Germany. NPEA Student Bayonet by Burgsmuller

Germany. NPEA Student Bayonet by Burgsmuller
What an incredible NPEA dagger. Who ever has owned this beauty over the past 80+ years has taken great care with it. Crossguards are the later aluminum type and have only a few minor marks. The grip is high quality with a high ridge on both sides and fitting the crossguards perfectly. The blade remains bright with the cross grain still visible through most of the blade. A few drag marks and light spotting are visible. The motto, “Mehr Sein als Scheinen” (be modest but all excel) is 100% in tact with all darken letters. The original brown felt washer is still intact. On the reverse ricasso is marked “Karl Burgsmuller Berlin”. The scabbard retains 99% of it’s original paint with only a few small scratches toward the bottom. The throat is retained by two unturned side screws. The frog is Mint, but the scabbard lug does not fit entirely in the frog lug hole. Overall the scabbard is Near MINT and the dagger is Excellent++++.