Germany. Kriegsmarine (Navy) Officer Dagger by Eickhorn

Germany. Kriegsmarine (Navy) Officer Dagger by Eickhorn
Naval Officer's Dagger by Carl Eickhorn, Solingen. Measuring 422 mm, with the scabbard on, this dagger features a 250 mm nickel-plated steel blade, with unsharpened edges, remaining bright and crisp, with a semi-sharp tip. The blade's reverse ricasso is maker marked with the Carl Eickhorn, Solingen squirrel logo. The blade itself exhibits a beautifully engraved ornate naval design on both sides. The fittings are brass, bearing an anchor on both sides of the crossguard, with a blade release button. The yellowish-ivory colored celluloid grip is smooth and has a small 3mm scratch on the reserve side. The grip is tightly wrapped with twisted brass wire. The pommel exhibits the Naval eagle standing upon a wreathed swastika. The ornately-designed scabbard is MINT. Dagger exhibits outstanding workmanship. Near MINT.