US. Bastogne Plaque

US. Bastogne Plaque
To commemorate the siege of Bastogne during the famous Battle of the Bulge some brass plaques were made by a foundry in Couvin, Belgium (about 40 miles west of Bastogne). The basic design features two giant military figures towering above a Bastogne city view. The figure on the right is a German soldier offering surrender terms to American General McAuliffe depicted as a typical American with his hands in his pockets. McAulliffe as we all know eventually replied “Nuts” to the puzzled Germans. That famous word “Nuts” is displayed between the two figures below the “Screaming Eagle” patch of the 101st Airborne Division. The parachutes in the background are purely symbolic since the American troops got to Bastogne in trucks. The 1st version of the plaque has an unfinished edge and is about 5 ½” round. The 2nd version (pictured) is the rarest version, used the same mold, but has a much more finished look around the border. And the 3ed version is the most common and is in an octagonal shape.
These are not an official award of any kind, but were made by a few grateful people in the Bastogne area to show their appreciation to the US soldiers who rescued them from the Germans. Regardless, it is certainly a neat piece of history.