Germany. Artifact from Hermann Goring's Hunting Lodge

Germany. Artifact from Hermann Goring's Hunting Lodge
HISTORY. After the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, the now united Germany proceeded to “Fix Up” the old East Germany. One area that was selected for improvement was the previous site of Hermann Goring’s Hunting Lodge, named “Carinhall” after Gorings first wife. Carinhall had been blown up by a Luftwaffe demolition team in the face of the advancing Red Army after most of its treasures had been moved to Goring’s house near Berchtesgaden. The site was to be graded and made into a park. During the grading process an entrance was discovered which lead into Goring’s under ground swimming pool. Over the coming weeks, three men excavated the caved in under ground swimming pool. This item was recovered by one of those men.
The artifact was a silver picture frame of a famous German horse named Abendfrieden, engraved at the top. Beneath the picture is engraved, “Derby Sieger” or Derby Winner. I guess Reichsmarschall Goring like horses?