German. Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Ash Tray

German. Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Ash Tray
HISTORY. The Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp was located north of Berlin and operated from 1936 to the end of the war. It was used primarily for political prisoners, but all concentration camp groups were represented. The Nazis used the camp to train SS officers in camp administration and as a testing ground for the most effective and efficient means of killing prisoners as a precursor to the death
camps. Camp inmates were used primarily in aircraft & brick production. It is estimated at least 30,000 prisoners were killed in Sachsenhausen, mainly Russian POWs.
3 1/2” (to the cigarette holders) and marked “ALPACCA” on the reverse. NOTE: ALPACCA = Germany Silver = Nickel Silver which is not silver at all, but copper, nickel & sometimes zinc.. Incredible piece of history.